Naturopathic practice for osteopathy,
Acupuncture and Pain management

Osteopathie ist eine ganzheitliche Behandlung.

Die Cranio-Sacrale-Therapie ist ein Teilbereich der Osteopathie und beschäftigt sich mit dem System zwischen dem Schädel (Cranium) und dem Kreuzbein (Sacrum).

Osteopathie ist eine ganzheitliche Behandlung.
You do not feel well but you can not find a cause? Would you like to supplement conventional medicine with naturopathy?
Are you looking for someone who takes care of your health and your body with a lot of knowledge and experience, but above all with time and commitment?
So you are at the completely right place!

What is important to me.
Supporting people to lead a healthy life with naturopathy - that is my goal.
Regardless of whether you are new to naturopathic therapy or whether it is an integral part of your life, what is important to me is that you feel well advised and looked after in my practice.
As an osteopath, I specialize in musculoskeletal pain in my practice. The focus is not only on reducing pain, but also on finding the problem that causes pain. By eliminating the cause, the body's function will be improved and you will be able to reach your full potential again.
Cranio-Sacral Therapy
This form of therapy is a manual procedure in which hand movements predominantly in the area of the skull , neck and of the sacrum.