Naturopathic practice for osteopathy,
Acupuncture and Pain management
The cranio-sacral therapy
Cranio-Sacral Therapy is a gentle manual form of treatment that activates the body's self-healing powers.
It is a part of osteopathy and deals with the craniosacral rhythm, which is shown in the pulsation of the cerebral and spinal fluid. The treatment also focuses on the connection between the skull and sacrum. The aim of the craniosacral treatment is to detect and remove blockages in the natural range of motion, but also basically has a relaxing and relieving effect.
The treatment begins with a relaxed conversation about the current complaints, previous illnesses and living conditions. Then you can lie down and I sit down behind you at the head end. The head and cervical spine are palpated. This will detect blockages and tension, but also the body's own rhythm. By exerting very little pressure and tension on the cranial bones as well as other specific cranio-sacral techniques, the blockages are to be released and the rhythm brought back into balance.
When the cranio-sacrale Therapy can help:
In babies, after birth. A treatment can also have a beneficial effect and simplify the start in life if the babies are restless or if they are so-called crib babies.
In pregnant women, the therapy can alleviate pregnancy symptoms and prepare for childbirth.
For concentration problems and difficulties at school
Jaw and dental problems
Chronic and acute pain
Musculoskeletal complaints
Stress and tension
Tiredness, exhaustion and depression
Complaints after accidents and operations

Note: For legal reasons, it is pointed out that the clinical pictures and diagnoses listed here serve as examples and that this list does not claim to be complete. This information is of an empirical nature and is based on decades of experience of many therapists. They do not contain any promise of healing or a guarantee to alleviate the symptoms or symptoms.