Naturopathic practice for osteopathy,
Acupuncture and Pain management
What is osteopathy explained in simple terms, and where can osteopathy help?
Osteopathy is a manual diagnosis and treatment concept. Together with a holistic approach and osteopathy, you get to the bottom of the causes of complaints. The aim of the treatment is to stimulate the body's self-healing powers using various techniques.
Osteopathy - the way of working:
On the basis of the osteopathic anamnesis and the physical examination, the osteopath develops a hypothesis (= osteopathic diagnosis) about the causes that underlie the patient's complaints and illnesses.
To solve the dysfunctions and blockages there are different techniques such as, mobilizations and manipulations for example. Organs that have a restriction (movement restriction) are also treated by improving their mobility so that their functions run optimally again.
The patient is always recorded as a whole. Osteopathy is never limited to treating individual symptoms. The body needs about one to four weeks after the treatment to react to the treatment and to regenerate.
What is osteopathy good for?
Osteopathy is divided into three areas: parietal, visceral and craniosacral osteopathy.
Parietal osteopathy deals with the bony and muscular system. In visceral osteopathy, the organs are in the foreground. Craniosacral osteopathy deals with the influence of the skull, brain, nerves, cerebral and spinal fluid and the sacrum on the whole body.
Areas of application of osteopathy. When osteopathy can help:
Musculoskeletal pain
Spine and back pain
Joint, muscle and tendon complaints such as tennis elbow, golfer's arm, osteoarthritis and rheumatism
Restrictions on movement
Pain in the head and neck area
Disorders in the nervous system
Headaches and migraines
Nervous restlessness
sleep disorders
Birth preparation and follow-up work for mother and child
Gynecological diseases
Bladder weakness, prostate and uterine issues
Sports injuries
You should not be impatient, because the body needs time to react to the impulses and the solutions of the residual circulations and dysfunctions. If the pain and dysfunction have been built up over the years, then the body cannot be expected to recover within a few days. As a rule, an improvement should occur after 2-3 treatments.

Note: For legal reasons, it is pointed out that the clinical pictures and diagnoses listed here serve as examples and that this list does not claim to be complete. This information is of an empirical nature and is based on decades of experience of many therapists. They do not contain any promise of healing or a guarantee to alleviate the symptoms or symptoms.